Saturday, May 30, 2015

Take the Challenge

I'm slightly introverted, so I get refreshed when I'm alone. When I'm refreshed, I'm in a good attitude & others appreciate a good attitude instead of a snobby, annoying attitude. I believe I'm doing people good when I'm alone. 

And there's a time & a place for everything, but in Hebrews 10:24-25, it says to not neglect meeting together. It's a command—to meet together as Christians & encourage one another. 

This summer, I'm challenged (& it's very much a challenge for me) to meet together with believers & encourage one another when it's so easy to be by myself.

For those of you who find it easy to be around people & constantly meet together, what if you took it to the next level & instead of it just being a time to hang out, it was an intentional time to encourage each other in the Lord?

We each are called to a higher level spiritually. Take the next step up.