Thursday, February 26, 2015

It Is Well

Believe it or not, but this is the same canvas.

While this was a blank canvas, I had different plans of the outcome. 

My original plan was to be a realistic outdoor scene. My result was far from what I expected—it turned out to be an outdoor animated lake-type thing with something like flowers on the side... I did NOT like it. 

After a couple months of just leaving it in my room, I finally decided to change it. Long story short, I really liked my second result. It was a long process to paint over the mess, but now I can't stop staring at it.

This is kind of like life. 

In our own plans, we expect great results, which often turn out to be a mess. But when we let God take control, He always promises good. 

Psalm 32:8 The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

Although it may be a long and hard process for God to make you into the person He wants you to be, at the end of it all, in all of God's goodness and grace, we can say, "It is well."

Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Daddy's Love

"Goodnight," Dad said to me as I was heading to bed.
"Goodnight," I replied, "I love you."
My dad responded with words I would not forget: "I loved you before you knew what love was."
I went to sleep with the thought of that kind of love stuck in my mind.

My dad really loves me--I'm beyond blessed! He continually sacrifices his time, love, and care for me. He gives me his protection. No one in this world can compare to the kind of hugs he gives; they're the best. I love how his strong arms gently wrap around me. He is always there for me--giving the wisdom and advice and listening to me. I love my daddy, and he loves me.

As I was thinking about his words to me that night, I thought of the parallelism between my earthly father and my heavenly Father.

He wraps his arms around me, promising to never leave me or forsake me (Deut. 31:6). He listens to me (Isaiah 65:24). He gives me wisdom through his Word (Psalm 119:130). And He covers me with the protection of His wings (Psalm 17:8).

While my dad here on earth continually shows me love, nothing can compare to the deep love of my heavenly Father.

God gently whispers to all who will listen, "I loved you before you knew what loves was. I loved you before you were even  a thought on this earth. I loved you as your sins hung my Son on a tree. I love you."